What does "in flux" mean? Does something is in flux mean something is changing? Thank you!
15. Jan. 2012 04:18
Antworten · 6
Yes :) That is what it means. "Flux" implies rapid change. It is not a verb, however. It is a state of being - a noun. Thus, something "is in flux" if it is changing. "Fluctuate" is a verb closely associated with flux. It means to change rapidly. The economy is in flux. The piston fluctuates as the engine runs.
15. Januar 2012
In a state of constant change. "The state of the euro has been in flux for the past few months." "In flux" is constant, large change - not just a single, or short change.
15. Januar 2012
Yes. That is hasn't settled, it is changing.
15. Januar 2012
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