What is the difference between "crazy" and "mad"? Can I use them in the same situations.
17. Jan. 2012 11:47
Antworten · 5
this is the difference between British and American English. (I'm American, but spend a lot of time in England) to British=crazy and mad are basically the same. you can use them both and it'll mean the same to Americans= its different. Crazy means, insane or just weird. Mad means you're angry. Its an emotional feeling. In england, I often said, "I'm so mad!" when I lost my money or something. And people looked at me oddly....they didnt understand me. I should've said, "I'm so angry." :D
19. Januar 2012
Crazy and mad both mean the same thing: that someone is insane. The word mad is older, so people do not use it very often nowadays to mean that someone is crazy. People usually use mad to mean that someone is angry. Normally, you will only see mad meaning crazy is old literature or old movies.
17. Januar 2012
Both Joseph and Jeff are right. Also, teenagers use "crazy"and "insane" to describe something that is really great or awesome. More dictionary definitions for crazy: Possessed by enthusiasm or excitement: The crowd at the game went crazy. Immoderately fond; infatuated: was crazy about boys. Intensely involved or preoccupied: is crazy about cars and racing. Foolish or impractical; senseless: a crazy scheme for making quick money.
17. Januar 2012
In general, the answer is no. Madness is craziness caused by a medical condition whereas craziness is not. However there are also different meanings to the words and must be differentiated in the context. For example, I am mad at you = I am angry at you. Here "crazy" cannot be substituted for "mad. I am crazy for you = "I am so in love with you". Here "mad" cannot be substituted for "crazy". In this case, either word can be used for cussing someone, "You XXX dog!" where XXX can be "crazy" or "mad". Another side interest, when you are poor, you care considered as crazy but when you are rich, you are considered as eccentric. Here both words mean the same. However, "crazy" has a negative connotation while "eccentric" has a positive connotation.
17. Januar 2012
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