I'm fluttered I'm fluttered Don't flutter me Can you explain the meaning of these sentences and the situations when you can use these? Do these sentences have the bad meaning or else?
14. März 2012 17:16
Antworten · 3
I don't think you are spelling your word correctly. You could mean flattered, or flustered. We don't say "I'm fluttered". To flatter someone means to say something very nice to them, and you might want to flatter them, even though you don't really mean the nice things you are saying. You could compliment a person, without trying to flatter them, and that would be appropriate. If someone is flustered, they are nervous, agitated and "at their wit's end". They may be hungry or tired, and in that situation, even a little stress could get them flustered.
14. März 2012
"Flutter" is the word which explains what a butterfly's wings do. A person can't be fluttered. A person can flutter their eyelashes, and a butterfly flutters it's wings. You can be, "flustered" which means bothered and distracted, a small panic. "I'm flustered, don't fluster me!" I think that could be what you meant to say? I hope it helps.
14. März 2012
you mean *flattered. Flatter means compliment. It usually implies a compliment that is so overwhelming that it is embarrassing.
14. März 2012
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