What is the difference between words that mean "industry" 行业/ 工业/ 产业/ 企业/ 实业/ 业界. Are they interchangeable? I hear many of these variations of the word "industry" in business meetings and I hope that I don't confuse them since it seems important. Please be as detailed as possible, better if you can state in sentence form why each character is used in a certain way. Best answer gets a smiley face. :)
25. Juli 2012 02:42
Antworten · 4
to be simple 行业: industry, commercial undertaking that provides services e.g. the catering, hotel, tourist, entertainment, etc industry 饮食﹑ 旅馆﹑ 旅游﹑ 娱乐等(行)业. 工业: industry, manufacture or production , it's an idea corresponding to 农业 agriculture and 商业 trading business, excludes 服务业 service industry, too. e.g. Britain's coal industry 英国的煤炭工业 * heavy industry, ie producing large goods, eg steel or cars 重工业 产业: 1property , industrial enterprise e.g. 那些楼房工厂都是我的产业。 those buildings and plants are all my 产业. 2industrial e.g. industrial workers 产业工人 industrialization 产业化 tertiary industry 第三产业 企业 : enterprise e.g. 企业家 enterpriser entrepreneurs enterprise culture 企业文化 实业: 实 is an idea corresponding to 虚。 实 means real, physical, 实业 includes all kinds of industries which produce physical products. so 实业 includes 工业, and certain service industries, such as catering industry. 业界: 业 means industry here..界 means circle, performing circle, academic circles, so 业界 means "in the circle of this industry"... e.g. 工商业界 in the circle of 工业和商业 the industry-standard method of encoding a document 业界标准的编制文档方法 三星仍保持业界第一 Samsung retained top spot
25. Juli 2012
oh, I can write a essay about them....you need to pay me ;) haha
25. Juli 2012
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