"左突右撞" 是什么意思呢? 当种种复杂情绪左突右撞之际,姑娘却说话了: "..."
16. Nov. 2012 03:33
Antworten · 7
宋 梅堯臣 古柳 岸側古大柳,誰種臨長江。中自出蠹蝎,百歲成枯腔。 忽值漲流沒,槎牙綴旌幢。腹膚藏蛟龍,半夜雷砰韸。 飛霆痕尚白,如斬馬陵龐。倏爾巨電至,萬弩聲裂缸。 又為狂風摧,所殘惟朽樁。臥幹越大鼎,絕臏不可扛。 就爇以照漁,駭鱗一何龎。始知網罟細,未足禁【突撞】 隆準以脫去,城下徒焚降。我從洲上泊,昏曉睨船窗。 始終睹變毀,欲賦挑殘釭。吾交評韓詩,險韻古莫雙。 安得共詠此,但嗟各他邦。
16. November 2012
Olga, these man are tell a truth that the word "左突右撞" you encounterd is very probably a word that created by the author, cause I have never seen such a word before, but the meaning of this word is understandable by most chinese, there's a metaphor here, trying to assimilate your heart to a little bird. Try to imagine when you are a little bird and you are nervous, you probably would "suddenly skip to the left and dash to the right" This was actually what the author was meaning. Hope it helps
16. November 2012
詞彙時時刻刻在創新中 並不限囿於辭典所記載 文學創作的新鑄詞彙 根本不在辭典裡出現 但誰能肯定該詞彙就此滅亡 或繼續傳承下去呢 淡定 一詞 何曾出現在辭典裡 突撞 同義複詞 都是衝撞的意思 左突右撞 以左右來形容突撞的方向 本詞還原後即為 左右突撞 突撞以左右二字插入 即成 左突右撞 在修辭學中叫做 鑲嵌 同樣應用鑲嵌修辭的成語或慣用語不勝枚舉 如 洗衣機廣告詞 上沖下洗 左搓右揉 即是 上下沖洗 左右搓揉 或 南北遷移 > 鑲嵌修辭 > 南遷北移 或 左右鄰舍 > 鑲嵌修辭 > 左鄰右舍 或 天地昏暗 > 鑲嵌修辭 > 天昏地暗 等等
16. November 2012
16. November 2012
I've never heard someone say that before, I think 左冲右撞 or 横冲直撞 would sound more natural.
16. November 2012
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