Flash-forward/Fast-forward/Flashback Hi, <1>how are "(A) flash-forward " and " (B) fast-forward " different? I have the decency to look them up in the dictionary, but am still not getting it. One more word I came across is though, <2>"(C) flashback " as an antonym for "(A) flash-forward ", but I think " flashback " sounds more like a synonym when it is used in sentence. Can you help me, please~~ . . :)
17. Jan. 2013 10:19
Antworten · 7
I think the difference is.. let's say, in a movie, A) "flash-forward" means a sudden cut to the future. For example, the scene now shows A taking the exam, feeling anxious. This scene is immediately succeeded with the scene in which A is holding his F-graded exam paper. All the procedures and details between the two scenes, between the moment of taking the exam and the 'future'(the release of the result) are skipped in a flash. B) "fast-forward" is the increase in the speed or the pace (the "2x", "4x", "8x" ) of showing the events afterwards. Unlike "flash-forward", you get to see all the events happening after 'the present' for 'fast-forward', only in a faster pace while "flash-forward" is a big jump afterwards, skipping all that in between. C) "flashback" is the antonym for 'flashforward'. It therefore means a big jump forward to the past (instead of afterwards to the future).
17. Januar 2013
Fast-forward is the action you do in front of our television. For example there is a really boring scene, then you advance the tape rapidly on an electronic device (for example "x2", "x4", "x8") Flashback and flash-forward are antonyms, you're right. In series in the end of the part a flash-forward is shown what is going to happen. Before the new part begins there is a flashback shown what has happened until now.
17. Januar 2013
Aha.. Thank you so much !!!! : )))))))))
17. Januar 2013
Generally, Lucilla's (A) and (C) are correct, except that in (C) she mistakenly said "big jump forward to the past" instead of "big jump BACKward to the past". But I would say that in (B), "fast-forward" is more often used in movies/TV shows as the opposite of "flashback" -- i.e. there is just a 'jump' forward in time, with no 'faster pace[d]' depiction of events in between. You can also see this in written usage if you search 'fast forward' at http://corpus.byu.edu/coca/
17. Januar 2013
You wrote: "One more word I came across is though, ...". When I first read it, I thought the word you "came across" was "though". The syntax is not quite correct. You could say it two ways: "Although, another word I came across was ..." -- or -- "Another word I came across, though, was ..." The first one is the better of the two.
17. Januar 2013
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