How to say "sorry for the misunderstanding/confusion" in Mandarin Chinese?
21. Feb. 2013 01:50
Antworten · 7
I think Mira is asking how to apologize for the misunderstanding and confusion we caused, not for we misunderstood or confused what others said. I'm sorry I made you confused=不好意思,让你误会了(made you confused) =不好意思,我没说清楚(I wasn't clear) I'm sorry I misunderstood you=不好意思,我误解你了
21. Februar 2013
21. Februar 2013
22. Februar 2013
To be honest, in speaking expression, Chinese people are not often to say out the words "misunderstanding" of "confusion" . Instead, we often say"对不起!我弄错了!"or “不好意思!我糊涂了!”
22. Februar 2013
the people who come from southy China speak that like Pai se la ! and thats cooler.
21. Februar 2013
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