Di F.
by any stretch of the word? of the imagination? what do they mean and why? Thanks.
30. Juli 2013 01:18
Antworten · 9
I have not heard the phrase "by any stretch of the word" but I do know that "not by any stretch of the imagination would be used to emphasize that one thing is definitely not the other thing. Here is an example: 1. My friend is a horrible dancer. or Not by any stretch of the imagination is my friend a good dancer. ----- Why? Because it is like saying that there is no way that anyone could ever imagine my friend as a good dancer because he is so horrible at it. ---- Any more questions or clarification, then message me.
30. Juli 2013
...byy any stretch of the imagination. If you stretch your imagination.........I think you ge tthe picture.
30. Juli 2013
By any stretch of the imagination - example: "No! I did not mean that, not by any stretch of the imagination!" Means, no, I did not mean that, not at all. The idea is that no stretching of the imagination, no matter how wide you can stretch out your imagination, such a thought should not be there, that I meant that. I did not mean it at all. (I do not know the other expression, stretch of the word)
30. Juli 2013
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