_____ the last market session, the Down Jones dropped 67 points. A. During B. Throughout Note: I don’t see why B is wrong, do you have any idea?Sorry guys, it is Dow Jones. (my clumsy right index finger!)
2. Aug. 2013 11:27
Antworten · 8
The word "throughout" cannot be used to describe something that is measured at two specific points in time. The word "during" can mean "over the course of" a specific amount of time.
2. August 2013
I think either can be used, but throughout would iner that it continuously dropped to that point. One of the definitions of throughout: 2. from the beginning to the end of.
2. August 2013
Throughout is wrong because the indicator moves up and down moment by moment throughout the trading day. Here I used "throughout" because I wrote about the activities within the session. The word "during" also means while the session is in progress, but the drop is measured from the beginning of one session to the end of another.
2. August 2013
hehehe thanks xarmanla :p It is a typo. Thanks for catching it!!
2. August 2013
The market indicator is the "Dow Jones".
2. August 2013
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