I wonder why the writer described Lake lachrymose as ~~~? The taxi had turned one last corner and arrived at the scraggly top of a tall, tall hill, and the children could see the town far, far below them, the cobblestone road curling around the buildings like a tiny gray snake, and the small square of Damocles Dock with specks of people bustling around it. And out beyond the dock was the inky blob of Lake Lachrymose, huge and dark "as if a monster were standing over the three orphans, casting a giant shadow below them." For a few moments the children stared into the lake as if hypnotized by this enormous stain on the landscape. Why did the writer describe Lake lachrymose as "as if a monster were standing over the three orphans, casting a giant shadow below them."? i don't understand..
25. Okt. 2013 17:24
Antworten · 5
By describing the lake as looking like the shadow of a monster, the author is using foreshadowing to indicate that unhappy things will happen and that the children may be in danger.
25. Oktober 2013
The writer describes the lake as being huge and dark, then describes it further by comparing it to the huge, dark shadow of a monster. So in other words, the writer is imagining that a giant (perhaps invisible) monster is standing over the children, and they can see its giant shadow on the ground (which is actually the lake). The writer is trying to convey that the lake is kind of scary. I hope my explanation makes it a bit more clear!
25. Oktober 2013
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