Microsoft 中文版本 1 又是我了....请高手来翻译: Microsoft Excel: 1. Excel spreadsheet 2. There is a mistake in the equation you placed/wrote in B3 3. The formula is wrong 4. Highlight the 2nd column across in yellow 5. Colour the text in that box red 6. Go to sheet 2, look at the 3rd row down 7. Why is this calculation wrong? Why does the error message keep coming up? 8. You forgot to put a space between A and B 9. You've used the wrong rule in the formula 10. a. The sum of all the figures above should be your total. b. The total is the sum of boxes A1, C5 and D7
25. Juni 2008 02:00
Antworten · 2
1. Excel 报表 2. 您在B3中放置/书写的等式有误 3. 公式错误 4. 将第2列高亮显示为黄色 5. 将该框中的文本设为红色 6. 转到sheet 2,查看第三行 7. 为什么计算错误? 为什么不断报错? 8. 您忘记了在A和B之间放置空格 9. 您在公式里使用了错误的规则 10. a. 以上所有数字的和应该是您的总数 b. 总数是A1, C5和D7的和
25. Juni 2008
Microsoft Excel: 1. Excel spreadsheet Excel表格/电子表格 2. There is a mistake in the equation you placed/wrote in B3 你在B3里写的那个等式有点错误。 3. The formula is wrong 那个公式错了。 4. Highlight the 2nd column across in yellow 把第二列标记为黄色。 5. Colour the text in that box red 把那个框里的文字标记成红色。 6. Go to sheet 2, look at the 3rd row down 打开第二张表格,看第三行。 7. Why is this calculation wrong? Why does the error message keep coming up? 这个计算出了什么问题?为什么不停地报错? 8. You forgot to put a space between A and B 你忘记在A和B之间留空格了。 9. You've used the wrong rule in the formula 你在那个公司里用了错误的规则。 10. a. The sum of all the figures above should be your total. 上面所有数字之和应该就是你要的总量。 b. The total is the sum of boxes A1, C5 and D7 总量是A1, C5和D7之和。
25. Juni 2008
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