怎么说by the way用中文?谢谢 These useful three words .. when you want say something unrelated to the previous subject.
3. Mai 2014 14:39
Antworten · 10
可以说 顺便说一下 ,或者直接用 对了
3. Mai 2014
歐! 對了Ōu! Duìle, ......blah blah blah
5. Mai 2014
I have to say it is not unrelated to the prebious or the present topic. It is related indeed most of time. The things after BTW come to your mind is a result of the previous or the present topic.
4. Mai 2014
在句子中做插入语。翻译为‘顺便说一下,顺便问一句,另外,对了,喔......等等。表示在说某一件事情的时候,突然想起另一件事。 By the way, what happened to the money? 顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了? By the way,how is your work going recently? 对了,最近工作怎么样?
4. Mai 2014
you can say..."對了順便跟你說一下" by the way, you answer pretty quickly!! 對了(順便跟你說一下),你回答得非常快!
3. Mai 2014
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