“按照”英文的意思是according to... 或者 follow ;“符合”的英文意思是 in line with... , 或者 matching with.
When you use 按照,you need to have evidence to proof something.
eg. 我按照老师教的方法来解题,可是答案还是错了。
I followed the methods taught by teacher to solve the question, but the answer was still wrong.
eg2. 按照书里所说,成年人一天只需要六小时的睡眠。
According to the content of the book, adults need only 6 hours of sleep a day.
When you use 符合,it basically means that you fulfill some conditions; suit/fit the requirements .
eg. 我把合约改了几遍,终于符合了客户的要求!
I have corrected the contract a few times, and finally it fulfills the customer's demand!
eg2. 你穿的这套衣服好像不太符合派对的主题。
The outfit that you are wearing doesn't fit the party's theme.
Hope this helps. :)