Is this correct and how could I convey this idea better way? "Imagine how good at English we would have turned out if they just let us search the internet for the time spent sitting in our regular English classes." (I do not agree with the statement 100%, but I believe that language learning should be more self-initiative, more free...)
19. Dez. 2014 02:20
Antworten · 7
Imagine how good at English we could have turned out, if the let us use the time spent in English classes surfing the internet instead
19. Dezember 2014
never mind, it's not that important at all. thanks for the feedback!
19. Dezember 2014
"Imagine how good at English we would have turned out if they just let us search the internet for the time spent sitting in our regular English classes." ///////this sentence has many many errors, therefore doesnot make any sense
19. Dezember 2014
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