how should i do if i go to a private college to study means my future won't be better, really?
4. Aug. 2008 05:10
Antworten · 5
wherever you are ,the most important is what the way of your life you chose. wherever you are , you should do everything toward your dream.
4. August 2008
your future is in your hands, not depend on what kinds of school you chose.
4. August 2008
this actually depends on your personality.. I went to private schools till I graduated college and yes, Jura is right, connections do help a lot! Being a graduate of private schools can open a lot of doors for you since the quality and prestige of the school goes with you. However, this is not everything. I know a lot of people who went to public schools and still excel in their chosen career. In short, I think no matter what school you go to, if you don't have perseverance, you won't get anywhere. Hope this helps. =)
4. August 2008
I have taught in both public & private schools. In private schools there are students from wealthier backgrounds and quite often you can make important contacts for life & this will help you socially & career wise. As the saying goes, it's not what you know but who you know!
4. August 2008
In most cases, it is the person rather than the school that matters.
4. August 2008
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