用中文怎么说“book section”?“宽带网”这个book section是什么意思? 用中文怎么说“book section”?我在看小学的语文书,一个book section叫“宽带网”。在下面画着一台微笑着的电脑。估计这是互联网的网,但我还不太清楚全词组是什么意思。谢谢大家的帮助! O(^_^)O
20. Jan. 2015 23:19
Antworten · 10
book section是章节的意思。 "宽带网"就是那个章节的名称,我觉得这里有点拓展的意思吧..
21. Januar 2015
I'm sorry, your question is not very clear. Do you want to know how to say 'book section/chapter', or do you want to know what '互联网的网' means?
21. Januar 2015
book section,I think it means this section of the book is about 宽带网。but if you can tell me the context of this word, I can understand it well.
20. Januar 2015
the girl above is right, it's about 宽带网, not direct translation of the phrase
21. Januar 2015
My pleasure (^_^). The rest seemed okay to me, but we're not natives, so you never know, haha.
21. Januar 2015
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