Remy MS
For Native Swahili Speakers HI! I am a Global Health Masters student and I will be traveling to Kenya in April for a research project. I would like to use Swahili in the title of my research project but I need a native interpretation of the following phrase. Greatly appreciated! "Healthy Mind, Healthy Body" "Mind and Body" Also, are there single words in Swahili that appropriately sum up the concept of mind and body oneness or total body health? Thank you!
13. Feb. 2015 18:08
Antworten · 3
You should say....'Akili yenye Afya. Mwili wenye Afya.'
12. Februar 2021
Healthy mind-akili yenye afya Healthy body-mwili wenye afya Total body health- Siha njema ya mwili
26. April 2015
Akili Timamu, Mwili Timamu Akili na Mwili
26. März 2015
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