The meaning of "until" very confusing Hi, My Longman Dictionary defines "until" as "if something happens until a particular time, it continues and then stops at that time" followed by examples such as : [The ticket is valid until March.] (My question 1) So, when exactly is the ticket valid? Is it valid on March 1st? What about the following sentence? [You should turn in your homework until tomorrow.] (My question 2) When is the exact deadline? Is it midnight tonight or midnight tomorrow? What about the following sentence? [You should turn it in until 3 o'clock. (My question 3) You should turn it in before the clock hits 3, right? Thank you anyone who answers this. :) Have a great day all.I'm sorry for my mistakes. Let me simplify and rewrite my second and third questions. (Peachey's great answer helped a lot. Let me ask these just for confirmation) The ticket is valid until tomorrow. (My Question 2) Does the ticket become invalid after midnight tonight? The ticket is valid until 3 o'clock. (My Qeustion 3) Does the ticket become invalid one the clock hits 3?(My Qeustion 3) Does the ticket become invalid once* the clock hits 3?
20. März 2015 19:47
Antworten · 6
Hi DaesungKim, 1) When March begins, the ticket is no longer valid. It is not valid on the first of March, but it is valid in February, January and so on. 2) The sentence isn't correct - it actually makes no sense. It needs to be either "You should turn in your assignment tomorrow" (we don't "turn in" homework), or "You have until tomorrow to turn in your assignment" (tomorrow is the deadline, and you can submit it tomorrow). 3) Again, a wrong sentence. Replace "until" with "before" and it makes sense.
20. März 2015
using the word until is very imprecise. It does not have a specific time. [You should turn it in until 3 o'clock.would be better said You should turn it in before three PM or by three PM. [The ticket is valid until March Very confusing. I would say the ticket expires the end of February meaning on the first of March it is not longer valid. [You should turn in your homework until tomorrow. Also very confusing. Homework must be turned in by end of class today. Very specific.
20. März 2015
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