Meaning of 친해 (to befriend? to be familiar with?) Hello there! Can anyone tell me what 친해 means? In the subs it was translated to "familiar", but translation pages translate it to "befriend". Also, would "to befriend/ to be familiar with" be 친해하다 or 친해다 ??? Or is there no such thing? I'd appreciate it if someone could explain this :). Thanks a lot! Rassie
21. März 2015 15:28
Antworten · 1
First, for future reference, it will help you and others to understand and help you better if you provide the context and sentences you saw a word in. Okay here it is : 친해 comes from 친하다, an adjective ("descriptive verb") meaning "to be close (to)". It is commonly seen in the phrase "친하게 지내요". "Another way to say "Let's be friends" as a greeting when first talking to someone/introducing yourself/getting to know them is 친하게 지내요" quoting myself from another notebook here. Haha 친해하다 is incorrect. Examples : 친한 친구 - a close friend, a buddy 앞으로 친하게 지냅시다 - Let's be good friends from now on. 나는 마크와 매우 친하다 - I'm good friends with Mark./I'm really close to Mark./Mark and I are very close./I'm really close friends with Mark. :) I hope I could help.
21. März 2015
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