ちぃ先生 Dr.Chi
Do you use the word "Kibbles" to pet food? This will be only my curiosity but do you use the word, "kibbles" to describe dried pet food?
11. Mai 2015 18:26
Antworten · 9
Yes, you can use kibble (not plural) to mean dried pet food. Example sentence: My dog loves eating kibble. ^^ Hope this helps!
11. Mai 2015
Yes, it can be used that way. While the full etymology of the word is unknown, most Americans (at least, perhaps English speakers in general) will recognize it because it's in the name of an extremely prominent pet food named "Kibbles 'n Bits".
11. Mai 2015
U.S. native speaker here. Yes, we use "kibble." It means dry pellets of ground pet food. I just checked with my wife, who's a retired veterinary technician, and she confirms what I thought: the word can be used BOTH an uncountable noun--"We feed our dog kibble," AND as a countable noun for the individual pellets, "To give your dog this medicine, try hiding the pill among the kibbles."
11. Mai 2015
To add a British perspective I had never encountered this word before until it was just mentioned.
11. Mai 2015
I have only heard it used in the singular form "kibble". Yes, it means dry cat or dog food.
12. Mai 2015
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