what is meaning " back home" He kept his promise to the girl back home . what is meaning " back home"
1. Juni 2015 09:03
Antworten · 5
In this instance, “back home” does not mean “to go back home”. It simply refers to the girl in his home town/city/country i.e. where “he” grew up, where his parents are, etc.
1. Juni 2015
Back home in this context means "back in my home town" and not "to go back home".
1. Juni 2015
The girl waiting for him to return to her.
17. Juni 2015
the girl was at home, "back home" refers to the girl, kinda "He kept his promise to the back home girl", that is "the girl who stayed at home"
11. Juni 2015
back home回家
1. Juni 2015
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