quel est le moyen plus simple et facile pour aprendre la langue ?
31. Aug. 2008 23:39
Antworten · 3
Le moyen plus simple est pratiquer. Parlez l'anglais journalier avec quelqu'un, et bientot vous parlerez courrament.
7. September 2008
Bonjour Mansour. For learning English, just go up the top of this page to Language Index & click onto English. Next click in your own language as your base language. Then go to Resources & click onto 'How to speak English like a native speaker'. You can find a study buddy when you click onto Find a language Partner at the top too. Don't forget to visit the sections; Resources, Files, Knowledge & Groups at the top of this page too. I wish you every success!
1. September 2008
HI Guys,could you translate your question into English? Thx
1. September 2008
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