I am confused about what is an appropriate response to dhanyawad, thank you, in Hindi. I found some sources saying koi baat nahi is an appropriate response, which is sort of like saying "no problem" or "don't mention it." When I was talking to an Indian customer at my job, she acted like this wasn't an appropriate response when I used "koi baat nahi" after she said "dhanyawad." She said an appropriate response would be to just say "dhanyawad" back, which I have never heard before. Are my sources inaccurate, or does it just depend on the area of India you are talking about?
26. Okt. 2015 17:48
Antworten · 8
You can just say - Mujhe khushi huyi ( My pleasure). Koi baat nahi is not exactly a perfect response in this situation as it's predominantly used when someone makes a mistakes & you want to console/forgive.
26. Oktober 2015
"Koi baat hai" is informal way to express response for "Thank you". You can use "aapka swagat hai" or "ye to mere liye khushi ki baat hai" for formal way.
1. November 2015
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