Ngoc Diep
去和走 What is the difference between去and 走
6. Nov. 2015 07:48
Antworten · 15
它们是非常基本的汉字,并不含任何复杂重组的定义,所以我想查汉语字典是更优质的学习方法。 最大的不同在于它们的发音不同,所以它们可以轻易得在说话过程中被辨识。 相同的土字头暗示两个字可能都会发生在与土有关的东西上,但到了下半部分,走字好像人侧面看去的腿,而去好像骑着马弯曲的腿。 如果给予解释,那么走就是走,去就是去,好比吃就是吃,喝就是喝,你听到的次数越多,它们就会越来越和你熟悉,区别也就越来越来大。 在以汉语为母语的人中,很少有人思考走或去的不同,因为这种基本字在无数次听和使用的经验中,人们得到了“它们天生就是不同的” 的感受,而这样的事发生在任何一门语言里。
6. November 2015
well...just focusing on only, means go somewhere, it suggests a destination. means the movement . I want to give you some examples for better understanding. 1.- let's go out! -Okay! In this case, you can use "走吧" as "okay". 2. -let's go! - go where? -->"去哪儿啊?" 3. [when leaving home to work] you can say “我走了!!” “我去上班了!”. Both are okay.“去” is often followed by purpose, the thing you are about to do next. 4.-how do you go to work? -by foot.(which is hardly possible:) ) you can reply"走着去(上班)。" 5 when you are outside for a stroll and asked by one person "what are you doing outside?" "(我)(随便)走走。"or "溜达溜达" both are equivalent for "I'm taking a random stroll." The tougue here are important. 6. and others like"走着!" “走起!”“走走看看!” “走哪儿去啊?” “去处”(place to live in, a home) are very native usage, I highly recommand you to pay attention to the tongue of this phrases.
6. November 2015
去 1. go/leave for 去上学,去吃饭,去逛街,去北京 2. go away 去去去!去一边去! 3. remove/get rid of 去除包装,去掉果皮 4. in the past time(use as phrase set)过去我们生活艰苦in the past……,去年last year(不可以说去月,去日,要说上个月,昨天) 5. kind of develop trend/direction 时间如流水般逝去time flies, 父母渐渐老去Parents are getting old,时间一分一秒地过去,定时炸弹还没拆除The clock ticks away…… my Skype:sunnysmile2001
6. November 2015
case 1 A:我想去学校 B:那你去(学校)吧。(go there as you will)or 那你走吧(carry on moving, leave here if you want)。 case 2 A:我下午想去学校。 B:那你去(学校)吧。(go there as you will)(那你走吧 is incorrect here, because A doesn't need to leave now.)
9. November 2015
走 1. walk. 走回家 go home by foot 2. do something right now 北京走起!I'm leaving now for traveling to Beijing 火锅走起! I'm leaving/starting to eat hot pot. 走去公司/逛街(相当于邀请和催促别人"走吧,我们去公司/逛街"),但如果有语境(别人问你怎么去)或者说话重音落在"走"上,就表示by foot. 3. true feelings from the bottom of one's heart,which touches others 这是一首走心的好歌It's a wonderful and touching song. 4. pass away/died 他奶奶昨天走(去世,逝世)了。 5. go on 高峰期路上很堵,车子走走停停。The traffic is busy during the rush hour, cars go and stop.
6. November 2015
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