Is Dracula a good book for an intermediate/upper-intermediate learner? I have been looking for a classic for me to read in English, but the ones I have chosen so far make me stop every single minute to look up words in the dictionary, like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I tried Dracula, by Bram Stocker, and it seems to be a reasonable choice for my level - I have read so far only the first paragraphs. Besides, I am somewhat familiar with the story as I have read an adaptation in English by Penguin Readers. I am not sure, though, the story will still be adequate to me as I progress in my reading. I would like to hear a native speaker's opinion. Online Book:
26. Dez. 2015 13:39
Antworten · 3
GO FOR IT !!!!!!!!!
27. Dezember 2015
Go for it !!!
27. Dezember 2015
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