Which is more natural? Please let me know which of the following two is more natural. 1)Recently, the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 has been a box-office hit in Korea. That news reminded me of the first movie of the series. 2)Recently, the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 has been a box-office hit in Korea. Hearing this news, I was reminded of the first movie of the series.
4. Feb. 2016 16:12
Antworten · 9
You can simply say : " Hearing that reminded me of the first movie of the series or just of Kung Fu Panda 1 " You don't necessarily have to use the word 'news' in this context .
4. Februar 2016
1)"Recently, the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 has been a box-office hit in Korea. That news reminded me of the first movie of the series." - This doesn't sound very natural at all to me. 2)"Recently, the movie Kung Fu Panda 3 has been a box-office hit in Korea. Hearing this news, I was reminded of the first movie of the series." - This is a bit better than the first one, although I would amend it slightly to "....Hearing this news reminded me of the first movie of the series."
4. Februar 2016
I would say the 2nd sentence sounds more natural. But there are some minor grammar errors. So it should be like this: Recently, the Kung Fu Panda 3 movie has been a box-office hit in Korea. Hearing this news, I was reminded of the first movie in the series. Hope this helps :D
4. Februar 2016
Probably 1 but both are good "box-office hit", could be "box office hit" because it could not be "box office-hit"
4. Februar 2016
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