What is the difference between 답하다, 대답하다 and 응답하다? The dictionary says they all mean "reply", "answer". Are there any specific nuances to their meanings?
8. Apr. 2016 19:07
Antworten · 2
답하다, 대답하다 and 응답하다 - 답하다: answer(v) in the most general sense. Includes answering test questions, surveys, and so on.. - 대답하다: answer someone. Common term for when one answers someone's question or request in person. - 응답하다: respond/reply to someone or to a call. Answering a formal question or responding to a call signal, etc. * 대 in 대답 means "face"(v) someone, and 응 means "respond". * For interactions among people, 대답하다 is by far the most commonly used term. Ex: - 다음 문제에 답하시오: Answer the following question (in a test). - 내 질문에 그는 대답하지 않았다: He didn't answer my question. - 친구에게 이메일을 보냈는데 응답이 없다: I sent an email to my friend but there is no reply.
9. April 2016
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