放开肚皮 My understanding that 放开肚皮 means to loosen one's belt in the context of indulging in gluttony. Do you literally have to wear a belt and to loosen it up or is it just a manner of speaking?
15. Mai 2016 13:57
Antworten · 5
Means just help yourself! we would like to say 放开肚皮,好好儿吃,多吃点儿!
17. Mai 2016
Is commonly said 放开肚皮 “吃 , which means people familiar with each other or friends together to enjoy food and drink
15. Mai 2016
It is a manner of speaking which means 'my friend, feel free to eat as much as you can!' Help yourself
15. Mai 2016
please eat heartily , fill your stomach with delicious food, have a good appetite!
18. Mai 2016
Hey, guy, get ready to pig out at something. Don't be shy.
17. Mai 2016
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