Are those sentences correct ? A Singaporean American customer wrote an email and there are some sentences that I would like some native speakers to check whether they are correct or not : 1.It was really a nice surprise to be in touch with after these years (why there is a "with" ?) 2.I very much like to explore how we can work together .(The position of "very much" ,but maybe it's ok here) 3. I am more focus on the color toners. (why " am more focus on", not " focus more on " ) 4. I need to know where you are strong in, so I will use where you are strong to make me stronger. (why there is a "in") Thank you so much for helpHere below please find the whole email just for your ref.: It was really a nice surprise to be in touch with after these years and it is good to know you are doing well with your own factory.  I very much like to explore how we can work together. My market is different from other people.  So it would be nice if you can quote me your best prices on the list I've attached for you. Please all the HP new models and Brother like the TN 820/850/880. Please quote me 505A/X and 255A/X with the patent approved gears. I am more focus on the color toners. I know not all factories are competitive in all brands. I need to know where you are strong in, so I will use where you are strong to make me stronger.
18. Mai 2016 01:43
Antworten · 2
If the writer is a native English speaker, he/she must have been in a hurry, because there are many careless mistakes. 1.It was really a nice surprise to be in touch with after these years (why there is a "with" ?) to be in touch with you 2.I very much like to explore how we can work together .(The position of "very much" ,but maybe it's ok here) I would very much like to explore 3. I am more focus on the color toners. (why " am more focus on", not " focus more on " ) I am more focused 4. I need to know where you are strong in, so I will use where you are strong to make me stronger. (why there is a "in") I need to know what you are strong in I need to know where you are strong
18. Mai 2016
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