질문이 있어요 안녕하세요 Can i say 백화점에서 산 양복 instead of 백화점에세 맞춘 양복? "제 부모님은 항상 저랑 제 동생을 맞춰요" 맞아요? Can i say 서류를 내세요 instead of 서류를 넣으세요? And could you please give an example for 사람을 넣다 and 계산에 넣다 and 판로 뚫다
22. Mai 2016 16:11
Antworten · 6
맞추다 has many meanings. 옷을 맞추다 means "tailor" 백화점에서 산 양복 means "the suit which I bought at a department store" (more natural) 백화점에서 맞춘 양복 means "the suit which tailored at a department store" "제 부모님은 항상 저랑 제 동생을 맞춰요" ??? What is the meaning in English? You can say 서류를 내세요 instead of 서류를 넣으세요. 사람을 넣다 literally means "put a person" . it is not a common phrase. Where did you find this phrase? 계산에 넣다 means "take (sth) into account" ex) 여행을 계획할 때에는 숙박을 계산에 넣어야 한다. When planning a trip, you must reckon in the accommodation. 우리는, 아이들은 계산에 넣지 않고, 50명을 초대했다. We have invited 50 people, not counting the children. 판로를 뚫다 means "find/open a market" same to "판로를 찾다" ex) 우리는 신제품의 판로를 뚫고 있다 We are seeking a market for our new product
23. Mai 2016
1) Can i say 백화점에서 산 양복 instead of 백화점에세 맞춘 양복? a little bit different meaning 백화점에서 산 양복 suit bought in a department store. 백화점에서 맞춘 양복 means "tailor-made suit for me in a department store" 2) "제 부모님은 항상 저랑 제 동생을 맞춰요" 맞아요? I think you would like to say "My parents always compare me with my siblings. In this meaning, you have to say "비교해요" instead fo "맞춰요" 맞추다 means "give an right answer (to a question)" and "change A which can match with or be suitable with B" 3) Can i say 서류를 내세요 instead of 서류를 넣으세요? It depends on context of situation. 내세요 means "hand in" / "submit" 넣으세요 means "put in" / "submit" For example, 대학입시원서를 넣었다/냈다. I submitted my application for a college. 4) And could you please give an example for 사람을 넣다 and 계산에 넣다 and 판로 뚫다 후반전에는 1번 선수 대신 2번 선수를 넣어야 겠어. I will substitute No.2 for No.1 at second half. 프로젝트를 성공적으로 마치기 위해서는, 다양한 상황을 계산에 넣어야 한다. If you want to execute a project successfully, you have to consider various situations. 그 지역의 판로를 뚫는 것은 쉬운일이 아니다. It is not easy to build up a market in in that region.
22. Mai 2016
- 백화점에서 산 양복 = A (ready made) suit I bought at the department store. - 백화점에세 맞춘 양복 = A suit I got tailor made at the department store. They are both correct but have different meanings. At 백화점, 산 양복 is more common nowadays. * "제 부모님은 항상 저랑 제 동생을 맞춰요" - grammatically fine but a little unclear. My guess is you meant "My parents always try to treat me and my younger brother/sister equally". If that's the intended meaning, we would probably say it more specifically: 제 부모님은 항상 저랑 제 동생을 똑같이 대하려고 하셔요 [공평하게 대하려고 하셔요]. * Both 서류를 내세요 and 서류를 넣으세요 are fine for "submit" or "turn in". - 서류를 내세요: 내다 is to submit to some organization/person. - 서류를 넣으세요: 넣다 means to turn in. 내다 is more common traditionally than 넣다. * 사람을 넣다, 계산에 넣다, 판로를 뚫다. - 새로 연 매장에 사람을 넣어야 해[투입해야 해]. (투입하다 is much more common) => We must staff [assign personnel to] the newly opened store/showroom. - 신기술의 평가할 때는 환경 영향도 계산에 넣어야 한다. => When evaluating a new technology, its effect on the environment should be considered too. - 회사는 아프리카의 신흥 시장에 판로를 뚫었다. => The company penetrated into [developed a sales channel in] the new emerging markets in Africa.
22. Mai 2016
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