“Peace, love and hair grease! ”什么意思呢? 我今天听到这个句子,我很奇怪为什么后面有发胶? 我知道Peace 是再见的意思。。 就是觉得莫名其妙。。
3. Nov. 2008 12:11
Antworten · 3
Yes, it looks like a goodbye-wish(/-salute). First I thought it would come from the musical or movie 'Grease'. Something like 'Love and Peace!', but 'Grease' shows the situation in the 1950s. Not a time for Love and Peace, yet... More recent, there's a song by BT (Brian Transeau): 'Love, Peace and Grease' (1997) Maybe because 'grease' rhymes on 'peace'.
3. November 2008
Never, never heard that. ;D
3. November 2008
love peace and hair grease another way of saying 'bye'
3. November 2008
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