Ruoling Wang
Difference between "be helpful to" and "be helpful for" I've seen sentences with either like: What kind of information from consumers is most helpful to you? I hope this series on running footwear has been helpful for you. So what's the difference?
12. Aug. 2016 13:18
Antworten · 3
General rule: helpful FOR a purpose/benefit or helpful TO a person. (my opinion)
12. August 2016
It would be helpful for you to workout. Means helpful for somebody to do something. (Helpful for you- Enables you to get fit) Helpful to somebody - The booklet is helpful to parents of the disabled boy. (Helpful to you means if you willing to help)
12. August 2016
Not much difference in meaning at all. I'd say the first sentence using "to" is more correct.
12. August 2016
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