"get OFF OF the bus" or "get OFF the bus"?
7. Okt. 2016 01:55
Antworten · 7
Both are grammatically correct. I prefer "Get off of the bus""
7. Oktober 2016
logically: (get off) [of] {the bus} = get (off the bus) but note: get on the bus = correct get on (of/from/to) the bus = wrong
7. Oktober 2016
Both mean the same thing and are grammatically correct but [get off of the bus] sounds better
7. Oktober 2016
You could say either but "get off the bus" is much more common.
7. Oktober 2016
The standard English form is 'get off'. You get on a bus and you get off a bus. 'Get off of' is a regional variant. It is only used by American English speakers.
7. Oktober 2016
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