What are some alternative ways to say "Sorry for taking your time!"?
23. Jan. 2017 07:08
Antworten · 8
Greetings, We can use couple of impressive sentences to take time. 1. Sorry for trespassing your time. 2. May I take your more time please? 3. Excuse me for encroaching your time. 4. I wonder if you could extract some more time for me? 5. Would you mind my taking your time? Hope it helps :) Mantra Deepika
23. Januar 2017
"Sorry for taking your time" does seem quite right to me because "taking your time" means to proceed slowly and carefully. It's much safer (if you want to be understood) to say "Sorry for taking up your time" or "Sorry for taking up so much of your time." But, even better, is "thank you for your patience". You hear that a lot. It's better (psychologically) to give the listener a compliment than an apology.
24. Januar 2017
Good question!
23. Januar 2017
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