Does the word "purchasement" exist? Hello, everyone. Wish you have a nice day! I have a few questions about "purchase". 1. Does the word "purchasement" exist? Chinese online dictionary told me it did. It's a noun, and means "buying something". There were some examples like "purchasement cost". But some foreign websites told me that I must spell it wrong. 2. How do you call the department in a company which is in charge of purchase? Purchase department or purchasing department? Thanks in advance. ( There is also a question. We Chinese people usually say "thank you in advance" (in Chinese) to a person who you turn to. Like: A: Could you help we with my homework tomorrow? B: Sure. A: Thank you in advance. Do English native speakers say it? Or there's another way to express the meaning? )
6. Feb. 2017 06:34
Antworten · 5
I agree with Michael. I have never seen the word " purchasement" before. We also say "thank you in advance" in formal correspondence. It's a good phrase.
6. Februar 2017
Purchasement is not a word that I have heard before. The word purchase can be used as a verb (to purchase) or noun (a purchase). And the department would be called the "purchasing department" or "buying department"
6. Februar 2017
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