"I have time to spare"? Does "I have time to spare" mean "I have plenty of time"?
14. Feb. 2017 00:33
Antworten · 3
"Spare time" means "extra time, more than is needed." "We're planning to get to Badlands National Park by Wednesday. If we have a little time to spare, we might stop and visit the Corn Palace on the way." On a car, there may be four tires on the wheels and a fifth tire in the trunk; the fifth tire is the "spare tire." When I go on a camping trip, there are batteries in my flashlight, but I also bring spare batteries. "Do we have enough ice cream for Thanksgiving dinner?" "Yes, we have enough and to spare."
14. Februar 2017
Yes :)
14. Februar 2017
Hi Alice, Yes, when we say we have "something to spare", it means we have plenty of something and can give some of it to others. Examples: I have enough cash to spare if you want to buy some food. I baked some extra pies and have some to spare. Hope this helps. Cheers, Lance
14. Februar 2017
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