How do you say "welcome" in Catalan? Hola! What's the difference between these 4 ways to say welcome in Catalan? Who is using which of them? -Benvingut -Benvinguda -Benvinguts -Benvingudes
3. Apr. 2017 16:44
Antworten · 2
One difference betwen english and catalan, its that a lot of words in catalan identify who is the subject. In this case if you have invitations in your home, you differs who is coming in your home. Benvingut----->Its for one man who is arriving at your home Benvinguda---> For a woman Benvinguts----> For a grup of people ( It coul be all boys or a grup boys and girls) Benvingudes ---> For a grup of woman
3. April 2017
hej Ela. Jag kan hälpa dig med catalan. Benvingut is for a male . Benvinguda is a female and the other forms are for plural man and women.
5. August 2017
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