I borned or I was born Why I cannot say: I borned and I Should say: I was born ? Aren´t the same?
19. Juni 2017 15:13
Antworten · 8
Thanks Terry, I understand it now. :-) Its kind of you!!
20. Juni 2017
Also, the infinitive is"to bear" which means to carry. The mother "bears" or "carries" the child. The child doesn"t bear itself.. That's why we say, "I was born." It means, "I was carried." It is an old-fashioned saying that we still use. We do still say things like, "A mother carries a child for nine months," but we don't really say that a lot anymore.
20. Juni 2017
Thanks to all !!
20. Juni 2017
It's a passive verb, because it's your mother that does the action. The verb is bear, bore, born. She can say I am bearing a child (but it's a bit old fashioned we usually say I'm having a child) but there is no verb for the action that the child does.
19. Juni 2017
There will never be a time where you would say, "I borned." Always use "I was born"
19. Juni 2017
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