Viktor Pogrebniak
What does it mean: "jaded love"? Actually found this expression in a song, and do not understand how to correctly translate it into Russian. I will appreciate either explanation in English or correct translation into Russian, thank you!
30. Juni 2017 20:36
Antworten · 9
tired or bored love, we use this expression to express that a love between two persons is lack.
30. Juni 2017
From Merriam- Webster Definition of jaded 1 : fatigued by overwork : exhausted a jaded horse 2 : made dull, apathetic, or cynical by experience or by having or seeing too much of something jaded network viewers jaded voters Jaded is being used in the context of def 2 here.
30. Juni 2017
Is that relationship in which you are no longer enthusiastic, mainly because you've lost your interest in your partner.
1. Juli 2017
Thank you, I appreciate any help :)
30. Juni 2017
Good! I think I realized what you mean. You know, I'm not a native speaker, and obviously I'm not as good as the native ones. But your question was interesting to me, so I decided to search for it and help you. Good luck!
30. Juni 2017
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