Paulo Fernando
Can I use both sentences? Few minutes ago I, my wife and my son were eating chocolate. But when it is finishing and there is just one piece my wife said "Vai querer filho só tem mais um pedaço? " (Son.. Would you like the last piece of chocolate?). I have a question (help) : In this case I can say/use both sentences: 1 - Son, Would you like the last? 2 - Son, Would you like the last one? Or is there a better way to say this? Tks
25. Okt. 2017 09:56
Antworten · 5
You would want to say, "Son, would you like the last one." Or even just "Would you like the last one." (if you are directly talking to him). Because just saying "Would you like the last" doesn't say what you are talking about. So you would need to say "last one" or "last chocolate". Hope this helps
25. Oktober 2017
the Second one is correct.
25. Oktober 2017
25. Oktober 2017
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