''If you have any doubts or questions, let me know'' Is it correct? Does it sound natural? I was watching a video and the teacher said ''any doubts or questions, just leave your comments below''. I see that many native speakers don't use 'doubt' in this context like ''I have a doubt'' (they use ''I have a question'') because ''doubt'' seems like you are suspicious that something is not right, taking off the credit of the person; and that is not the intention. But here, the English teacher used ''doubt'' so I wanted to know if he used it wrong. And if not, what word can be used to replace ''doubt'' ? (meaning: I don't know if I use X or Y in the formula - not really asking a question but stating ''I don't know when to use each one'', then the teacher will explain when to use X and Y, not directely asking to the teacher)
20. März 2018 14:40
Antworten · 2
Grammatically, that sounds fine. Contextually, you are right, I dont hear "doubt" very often either. Some people say "If you have any questions or comments/concerns, please let me know." I think you understand those have slightly different connotations though :)
20. März 2018
You're right, 'doubt' isn't the right fit for that context. I would just remove the word, instead of replacing it with another word.
20. März 2018
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