3. Apr. 2018 04:49
Antworten · 17
It is take care . Like take care the tiny little thing . Since u use it thats mean u will care it very carefully
3. April 2018
actually. there is a best way to understand what is the meaning of 呵护. 呵:now, read it loudly please. see? it's like you let out a little steamy breath. we always let out a little steamy breath in winter or when some hot food on the tip of your tongue. the action is very gentle. 护 = guard. thus 呵护 = take care
3. April 2018
呵護 is always used by parents taking care of their baby. Attention! we usually use it on girl you like.
3. April 2018
Take care of someone with your whole heart
3. April 2018
呵護 always used as parents take care of their baby. attention! we do not use between friends.
3. April 2018
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