Can you help to explain the subject of this sentence? "The sagging back half of the water tank had been reattached to the frame with the skill of a plastic surgeon." I am not sure about the subject here. Can anyone please help to break it down so I will understand the structure of this subject. Thank you.
5. Mai 2018 07:11
Antworten · 5
Hello, Sharon! As I see it, the sentence says: The water tank (the reservoir for water in some equipment) started falling back and was reinstalled (reattached to the frame of the equipment) very precisely (with the skill of a plastic surgeon). Hope, it will help you.
5. Mai 2018
Sharon, What word do you think is the subject of the sentence? Why do you doubt yourself? You can use the process of elimination and some logic. We know the subject comes before the verb The sagging back half of the water tank 'of the water tank' is a prepoditional phrase The sagging back half 'The' is an article sagging back half 'Sagging' is gerund Back half Back is adjective describing Half
5. Mai 2018
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