What' the difference between 'electronic" and "electronical"?
3. Juni 2018 07:00
Antworten · 4
Elelctronical is not a proper word. Use 'electronic'.
3. Juni 2018
Actually, electronical is not a correct word. Let me cite the difinitions of the words electric,electrical and electronic: Electronic: of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons (electronic devices) Electric: using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity (electric current) Electrical: relating to or concerned with electricity (an electrical engineer) Hope it helps!
3. Juni 2018
like Jason v has shown elctronical is not a word. The easiest way to think of the difference between electrical and electronic is. A radio is electrical (the thing that makes it a radio you can listen to is/are a/the speaker(s). They work by a current making the speakers vibrate. Even though other parts of a radio are or may be electronic. A computer is electronic the processors inside work by electrons being excited​. you do not need electrical speakers to work a computer as a computer. Interesting note if you are Interested, the word computer in the English language comes from a medieval profession called a computator. The people who used to compute (calculate) things like the kings/queens/countries taxes etc. or other scientific calculations. The computer was invented by computators, working as a team. The term is not used any more but it was until about the 1960's. I think the bookmaking profession was the last industry to use the term until into the 1970's.
3. Juni 2018
Actually, electronical is not a correct word. Let me cite the difinitions of the words electric,electrical and electronic: Electronic: of or relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on principles governing the behavior of electrons (electronic devices) Electric: using or providing or producing or transmitting or operated by electricity (electric current) Electrical: relating to or concerned with electricity (an electrical engineer) Hope it helps!
3. Juni 2018
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