Alain Jachiet
How to say "I am an only child" in Chinese (Mandarin)? When introducing myself, I am trying to express that I am an only child. I was told a good way to say it is: 我们家只有我一个孩子。 I understand the structure of the sentence in all aspects except for the second occurrence of 我 located after 只有. If someone could explain it to me, I would truly appreciate it!
19. Juli 2018 20:07
Antworten · 10
20. Juli 2018
我是独生子。I am the only child(boy) 我是独生女。I am the only child(girl)
25. Juli 2018
说 “ 我是独生子 ” 就可以了。
20. Juli 2018
Why "我”located after "只有” "在我们家” such like adverbia clause of place "有” here like a verb "have " , have sth /sb 我” and "一个孩子” are appositives , just in order to emphasize : you are the only child in your family . I am not sure i make it clear .Hope it will be little helpful .
20. Juli 2018
“独子” or “独生子”, some local idiom called "独苗", it's also common.
20. Juli 2018
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