毛笔字、网红奶茶英文怎么翻译?? 最近我遇到了一个难题,毛笔字、网红奶茶英文应该怎么翻译呢?有哪位小伙伴可以告诉我一下吗?
18. Dez. 2018 20:41
Antworten · 3
A 毛笔字 is literally "a character written with a brush" or "brush-written characters". But the English word you're looking for is most likely "calligraphy". Calligraphy is elegantly written text, usually using a brush or special pens. 网红(anything) is "internet famous" or "famous on the web/net. So 网红奶茶(店) is literally a milk tea place that's internet famous because people like it, take pictures of it and upload them to the internet. There's really no exact equivalent to "网红奶茶", so here's my own translation: milk tea that's famous on the web.
19. Dezember 2018
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