What's the difference between "weird" and "strange"?
19. Dez. 2018 17:24
Antworten · 3
The word "weird" is related to the words "eerie", "creepy" and is used for things that make you a little fearful. People use this word to describe things that make them slightly uncomfortable. The word "strange" is close to the meaning of the words "unfamiliar and "unusual". People use this word to describe things that seem out of character or out of place. I would say, "that's strange" if my purse was not where I thought I left it in the hallway. I would say, "that's weird" if I came home from work and found my usually locked front door was left wide open. Hope this is helpful.
19. Dezember 2018
Hey Elena, how are you? 1) ''Strange'' --> this word refers to that which is out of the ordinary. It implies that the thing or its cause is unknown or unexplained unfamiliar and unusual: E.g.: ''That was a strange remark to make.'' E.g.: ''He traveled across strange lands.'' E.g.: ''It was rather strange to hear her voice again.'' E.g.: ''I couldn't but feel strange before my parents this morning - they seemed to know some dark secret about me!'' 2) ''Weird'' --> this word refers to that which is mysterious and apparently outside natural law. It is suggestive of the fateful intervention of supernatural influences in human affairs: E.g.: ''Your neighbour is said to be a little weird.'' E.g.: ''They told us weird stories about ghosts.'' E.g.: ''She gave a weird and sinister laugh.'' E.g.: ''The crew is believed to have made a weird voyage across the Atlantic.'' Hope that helps!!! Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact me. I shall be pleased to help.
19. Dezember 2018
'Strange' means something unusual in a way that you can't understand. They're sometimes used to show slight disapproval or distrust, However, 'weird' means something informal very strange and unusual, and difficult to understand or explain. For example: This is a weird situation, I don't kmow how to explaing you how it happened. This dress is strange, I didn’t like, so it doesn't have my approval. Hope you have understood.
19. Dezember 2018
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