What's the difference between "variety" and "variation"?
16. Jan. 2019 18:20
Antworten · 3
Variety (noun) refers to an item which is similar in nature but of different origins for example there's a variety of car to choose from at our car showroom form most of the renowned car makers like Bentley, Mercedes, Volvo, Proton, BMW and many more. A variation (noun) is a small change in something.
16. Januar 2019
The words each have several different uses: Variation as a mass noun: 1 A tendency to vary from the norm, e.g. "There is wide variation in the sizes of beans." ..and a a count noun: Variation 2 A thing which varies from the norm, e.g. "Bach wrote 32 variations on the Goldberg theme". 3 A difference from the norm, e.g. "There are variations in prices over time" Variety 4 A selection of different things, e.g."There is a wide variety of beans at the supermarket." 5 A type of thing, e.g. "Moong dhall is a variety of bean." Note that 2 is usually only applied in law (to a contract) or music (to a theme), though "variations on a theme" is sometimes used metaphorically. A commoner alternative is 'variant', e.g. "The A329 and A324 are both variants of the A320 aircraft".
16. Januar 2019
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