C Kanai
Which is grammatically correct? "Photo by" or "Photos by" when you describe the credit of more than one photo.

Somehow I think "photo by" is correct but in this case, does it mean "a photo by", "photography by" or "photgraphed by"?

11. Feb. 2019 14:16
Antworten · 6
If there is more than one photo, then you should use the plural form.
11. Februar 2019
When you’re sharing photos in forums or for online learning projects, large file sizes can be a hassle. I ran into this issue recently, especially when trying to upload pictures that kept getting rejected for being too big https://skylum.com/how-to/how-to-reduce-the-size-of-picture I found an awesome guide that walks you through reducing the size of your images without any fuss. If you’ve ever struggled with this, check out this guide how to reduce the size of pictures. It saved me a lot of headaches!
26. September 2024
I often have to deal with this. I now pay close attention to the pictures and videos. And in this regard, the stock options pleasantly pleased me https://depositphotos.com/vector-images/energy.html I decided on energy vector since it was ideal for my purpose.
2. Juli 2023
Thank you
2. Juli 2023
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