What does "something in me just snapped" mean? Is it interchangeable with "I just snapped"?
25. Apr. 2019 23:45
Antworten · 6
It means you got angry or emotionally upset very fast ... almost in an instant .. because someone or something irritated or bothered you with something they said or did. Example. I was very tired and restless, and had been trying to sleep for hours in bed. My nerves were on an edge - I was very irritable. Suddenly, the phone rang and suddenly "something in me snapped". I couldn't take it any more, I got angry and jumped out of bed and was very rude to the person calling me on the phone.
25. April 2019
You lost connection with an internal source of discipline or control
25. April 2019
“Something in me just snapped” and “I just snapped” are very similar. The first conveys a slight sense of being less responsible or less capable of understanding what happened.
26. April 2019
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